
The company’s origins can be traced back as far as 1872 when the first known pilotage along the Queensland coast took place after former Master of a local trader assisted the German immigrant ship Humbolt from Moreton Bay to Bowen. Two years later, the newly formed Eastern and Australian Mail Steamship Company (E&A) introduced a service between Australia and the Orient via Torres Strait. Two shipmasters, well experienced in Reef waters, provided exclusive Barrier Reef pilotage services to E&A and the company now known as Australian Reef Pilots was born.

Many things have changed for the marine pilot industry since those early days. In 1991, compulsory pilotage was introduced for the Inner Route between Cairns and Cape York as well as for Hydrographers Passage. In 1993, the Australian Federal Government deregulated the industry; shortly thereafter, a majority of licensed pilots formed the Queensland Coast and Torres Strait Pilots’ Association that became Australian Reef Pilots Ltd., in 1995.

Today, ARP has evolved into a sophisticated state-of-the-art operation, whilst keeping intact our 1872 roots of safety, professionalism innovation and customer satisfaction as our highest priorities.

Australian Reef Pilots Historical Timeline

Queensland’s first known pilotage took place when a local ship’s captain guided a German immigrant ship from Moreton Bay to Bowen.
Eastern and Australian Mail Steamship Company (E&A) introduced a service between Australia and the Orient via Torres Strait. Two shipmasters well experienced in reef waters provided exclusive Barrier Reef pilotage services to E&A and the company now known as Australian Reef Pilots was born.
The Marine Board of Queensland introduced regulations for the operation of a coast pilot service. The first six licenses were granted on 5 August.
Compulsory pilotage was proclaimed for the Inner Route of the Great Barrier Reef between Cairns and Cape York, and also for Hydrographers Passage.
The Federal Government deregulated its Queensland coastal pilotage department.
The majority of licensed pilots formed the Queensland Coast and Torres Strait Pilots' Association and then, in 1995, reformed as Australian Reef Pilots Ltd (ARP).
ARP won the Australian Industry Group Icon of Industry Award in recognition of its commitment to safety, professionalism, innovation and customer satisfaction.
ARP won the IHS Safety at Sea Award (Systems Category) in partnership with VoyageBank and SevenCs.

Risk Management
Navigation Expertise
Additional Services
Cruise & Naval